Cyber Security

cyber securityThe Quad is committed to an open, secure, stable, accessible, and peaceful cyberspace. It supports regional initiatives to enhance the capacity of countries to strengthen cyber resiliency.  We are working to enhance the cyber capabilities of Indo-Pacific countries to ensure the security and resilience of regional cyber infrastructure. The Quad is working towards a more secure cyberspace and strengthening cyber resilience and critical infrastructure protection in the Indo-Pacific. The Quad Senior Cyber Group, announced at the Quad Leaders’ Summit in September 2021, convenes regularly at expert-level to foster collaboration between government and industry to advance a positive and ambitious cyber agenda. Its focus encompasses a spectrum of initiatives, ranging from the adoption of shared cyber security standards and secure software development to capacity building and cultivation of a skilled workforce.

Capacity building

Quad partners are working together to develop cybersecurity capacity building initiatives within Quad countries, across the Indo-Pacific and with like-minded partners. As part of their efforts to promote safe and responsible cyber habits, Quad partners launched the Quad Cyber Challenge in February 2023 to strengthen individuals’ and communities’ cyber security awareness and action. The first Quad Cyber Challenge was held in April 2023 with the participation of an estimated 85,000 people. The next Quad Cyber Challenge will be held across Quad Countries later in 2024.

Joint Principles

The Quad has also developed a set of joint principles to promote good cyber practices for the protection of critical infrastructure and improve software security by promoting minimum cyber security practices for governments. At the May 2023 Quad Leaders’ Summit, the Joint Principles for Secure Software were released where Quad partners committed to work together to strengthen defenses against cyber threats to the software supply chain and harmonise their software standards.

Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructure

Principles for Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructure were announced at the May 2023 Quad Leaders’ Summit, to strengthen defences against cyber threats to the software supply chain and critical infrastructure and services. The Quad is working towards the development of practitioners' tool-kits by sector, to support industry in implementing the recommendations outlined in the principles.

Counter Ransomware

Quad Foreign Ministers released a Statement on Ransomware in September 2022 to enhance regional cybersecurity and improve resilience against ransomware attacks in the Indo-Pacific.

Supply chain security and resilience for ICT and OT systems of critical sectors

Building on the discussions held at the Quad Leaders’ Summit in Tokyo in May 2022, Quad partners are working on formulating a comprehensive framework and methodology dedicated to ensuring cybersecurity across the supply chains of critical sectors.

Machine learning

In May 2023, the Quad partners hosted a roundtable between leading academics and relevant government agencies in the field of machine learning in cyber security to discuss existing research streams and identify new avenues for collaboration.

The Quad Senior Cyber Group Principals met most recently in Tokyo on 5-6 December 2023 and discussed ways to leverage their respective strengths and resources in advancing the Quad cyber initiatives and promoting a more secure cyberspace in the region. Joint Press Release

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